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==Viri in literatura==
==Viri in literatura==
Principi, N, Silvestri, E. in Esposito, S. Advantages and Limitations of Bacteriophages for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, 10, str. 513. <br>
Doss, J., Culbertson, K., Hahn, D., Comacho, J. in Barekzi, N. A Review of Phage Therapy against Bacterial Pathogens of Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms. Viruses, 2017, 9(3), str. 50. <br>
Drulis-Kawa, Z., Majkowska-Skrobek, G., Maciejewska, B., Delattre, A. S. in Lavigne, R. Larning from Bacteriophages - Advantages and Limitations of Phage and Phage-Encoded Protein Applications. Current Protein&Peptide Science, 2012, 13(8), str. 699-722. <br>
Labrie, S. J., Samson, J. E. in Moineau, S. Bacteriophage resistance mechanisms. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2010, 8(5), str. 317-327. <br>
Meaden, S., Koskella, B. Exploring the risks of phage application in the environment. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2013, 4, str. 358. <br>

* Principi, N, Silvestri, E. in Esposito, S. Advantages and Limitations of Bacteriophages for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, 10, str. 513. <br>
* Doss, J., Culbertson, K., Hahn, D., Comacho, J. in Barekzi, N. A Review of Phage Therapy against Bacterial Pathogens of Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms. Viruses, 2017, 9(3), str. 50. <br>
* Drulis-Kawa, Z., Majkowska-Skrobek, G., Maciejewska, B., Delattre, A. S. in Lavigne, R. Larning from Bacteriophages - Advantages and Limitations of Phage and Phage-Encoded Protein Applications. Current Protein&Peptide Science, 2012, 13(8), str. 699-722. <br>
* Labrie, S. J., Samson, J. E. in Moineau, S. Bacteriophage resistance mechanisms. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2010, 8(5), str. 317-327. <br>
* Meaden, S., Koskella, B. Exploring the risks of phage application in the environment. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2013, 4, str. 358. <br>

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[[Category:SEM]] [[Category:BMB]]

Revision as of 19:21, 16 May 2020


Dosedanje raziskave so pokazale, da bi bili bakteriofagi primerni za zdravljenje nekaterih bakterijskih okužb predvsem zaradi sposobnosti, da ubijejo bakterije in zdravijo okužbo, ne da bi pri tem poškodovali celice gostiteljskega organizma. Prav tako bi se z uporabo bakteriofagov do določene mere izognili težavam in tveganjem, ki jih povzročijo drugi načini zdravljenja (npr. antibiotiki). Kljub številnim prednostim so takšni načini zdravljenja bakterijskih okužb danes na voljo samo v nekaterih vzhodnoevropskih državah, saj obstajajo določena tveganja. Če bi tveganja uspeli zmanjšati, bi v prihodnosti lahko zdravljenje bakterijskih okužb z antibiotiki dopolnili z zdravljenjem z bakteriofagi, saj bi bila kombinirana terapija bolj učinkovita.

Težave pri izbiri ustreznega bakteriofaga

Bakterijska rezistenca

Rezistenca na antibiotike in horizontalni prenos genov

Sprostitev celičnih komponent iz liziranih celic

Neželen odziv imunskega sistema

Negativne posledice za okolje

Viri in literatura

  • Principi, N, Silvestri, E. in Esposito, S. Advantages and Limitations of Bacteriophages for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, 10, str. 513.
  • Doss, J., Culbertson, K., Hahn, D., Comacho, J. in Barekzi, N. A Review of Phage Therapy against Bacterial Pathogens of Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms. Viruses, 2017, 9(3), str. 50.
  • Drulis-Kawa, Z., Majkowska-Skrobek, G., Maciejewska, B., Delattre, A. S. in Lavigne, R. Larning from Bacteriophages - Advantages and Limitations of Phage and Phage-Encoded Protein Applications. Current Protein&Peptide Science, 2012, 13(8), str. 699-722.
  • Labrie, S. J., Samson, J. E. in Moineau, S. Bacteriophage resistance mechanisms. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2010, 8(5), str. 317-327.
  • Meaden, S., Koskella, B. Exploring the risks of phage application in the environment. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2013, 4, str. 358.