Nekaj pogledov na sistemsko biologijo kvasovke
Sistemska biologija je disciplina, ki skuša kvantitativno opisati biološki sistem. Tak kvantitativen opis omogoča izdelavo matematičnega modela, z njim pa lahko napovemo obnašanje biološkega sistema po perturbaciji.<ref name="prvi">A. R. Borneman, P. J. Chambers, and I. S. Pretorius, “Yeast systems biology: modelling the winemaker’s art,” Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 349–355, 2007.</ref><ref name="drugi">R. Mustacchi, S. Hohmann, and J. Nielsen, “Yeast systems biology to unravel the network of life,” Yeast. 2006.</ref><ref name="tretji">D. Petranovic and G. N. Vemuri, “Impact of yeast systems biology on industrial biotechnology,” Journal of Biotechnology, 2009.</ref><ref name="četrti">R. S. K. Walker and I. S. Pretorius, “Applications of yeast synthetic biology geared towards the production of biopharmaceuticals,” Genes. 2018.</ref><ref name="peti">I. Cantone et al., “A Yeast Synthetic Network for In Vivo Assessment of Reverse-Engineering and Modeling Approaches,” Cell, 2009.</ref>